5 reasons why there is something wrong with the protests in Kudankulam Part:1

Ever since a guy named Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi walked on Indian soil, protesting has been the way of life here. While Gandhi protested against the British, we protest against everything. To give you an example, when the Mumbai police recently cracked down on auto guys with tampered meters, THERE WAS A PROTEST AND A STRIKE!

I don’t think there can be a more ridiculous protest than that. Or at least I thought, till the Kudankulam protest came along.

Honestly, I tried really hard to contemplate the reasons for this protest. But the more I think about it, more I feel there is something majorly wrong.

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5 reasons why there is something wrong with the protests in Kudankulam Part:2



Generally the Prime Minister open his mouth rarely and speaks even less. And whenever he or for that matter, any of his ministers speak, this is how most of us react

And our reactions were more or less similar, when our Prime Minister went back to the 1980’s vintage, ‘Foreign Hand’  theory when he railed against the Kudankulam protest.

This time however, for a change, he made sense.

The story actually begins in 1974. The year in which Indira Gandhi decided, that India needed some nuke bombs.

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